2022 PFA & RSA Pension funds audited annual accounts: NLPC PFA

04 June 2023

2023 PFA Corporate and Pension Fund Accounts for the year ended December 2022 – NLPC Pension Fund Administrators Limited




NLPC Pension Fund Administrators Limited, known as NLPC PFA was incorporated on 19 January 2005 and is duly licensed by the National Pension Commission (PenCom), to carry on business as a Pension Fund Administrator (PFA) as defined under the Pension Reform Act, 2014.


For the financial year ended 31 December 2022, the PFA closed the year with 350,884 RSA holders, up from 338,716 RSA holders in 2021. Additionally, assets under management for the 7 Retirement Savings Accounts (RSAs) funds available to the public grew to N332.20 billion, up from N317.85 billion (+4.51%) the previous year.


Performance Analysis: Company

Turning our attention to the financial performance, NLPC PFA demonstrated some improved metrics. Total income for the year ending 31st December 2022 rose 15.30% to N4.14 billion reversing the decline of 2021 when total income had fallen 8.77% to N3.59 billion from N3.93 billion in 2020. Cost to income ratio declined to 74.37% from 88.30% in 2021, though it was 66.83% in 2020 but 85.42% in 2019. Over the last five years, this ratio has averaged 78.85%, one of the highest in the industry.


The company's Profit After Tax (PAT) more than doubled, surging by 171.83% to almost N900 million, compared to N327.40 million in 2021. Return on equity (ROE) fell to 15.60% from the previous year's 16.58% another annual decline from 2020 when ROE was 30.26%. Shareholders' funds for 2022 was up by 188.86% to N5.71 billion from N1.96 billion in 2021, a result of the regulatory induced recapitalisation across the pension industry.


Overall NLPC PFA is yet to find some consistency in profitability, which seems to be spilling over into managing clients pension funds as shown in the fund analysis below.