2023 PFA Corporate and Pension Fund Accounts for the year ended December 2022 – Premium Pension Limited
Background: The reporting season for PFA’s has begun. On 28 March Premium Pension Limited published summary accounts for the company and the pension funds it manages. The company closed the year with 772,885 RSA holders and total RSA assets under management of N860.43bn.
Company accounts:
Premium Pension Limited was incorporated in March 2005 and was licensed by PenCom as a Pension Fund Administrator (PFA) in November 2005.
Total income for the year ended 31 December 2022 grew 18.34% to N10.04bn from N8.48bn the year before. Having climbed over the previous 4 years, the company’s cost to income ratio went down to 60.27% from 64.65% the year before. This ratio has now averaged 60.65% over the last 5 years. Profit After Tax grew 35.51% to N2.65bn. This stemmed the falling tide as PAT had been falling over the prior 3 years. This growth in PAT boosted the companies Return on Equity which closed the year at 37.33% stemming the declines which started in 2018 when the company had an ROE of 62.94%. Shareholders funds grew 10.64% to N7.11bn from N6.43bn in 2021.
Fund accounts:
Premium Pension offers all 7 PenCom approved funds to the public.