Your personal financial planning journey through the years

Your personal financial planning journey through the years



We have written this guide to give you useful information about your financial planning journey through adult years and how you can work to achieving your financial goals. It however is not personal advice.


Note though that all investments go down as well as up in value, and the income received from them (if any) will vary over time too, so you could get back less than you put in.


The information in this guide was correct as of 1 January 2024.


Your financial planning journey starts here


Financial planning involves continuously managing your finances to achieve your aspirations in the short, medium, and long term.


Throughout your life, you'll encounter financial decisions, some expected and others unforeseen. The purpose of personal financial planning is to make thoughtful choices that bring you closer to your goals and keep you on track, even when life takes unexpected turns.


It's a journey that spans your entire life, requiring periodic evaluations and modifications to ensure it stays aligned with your needs and your goals. A sound financial plan should be adaptable to accommodate your evolving needs, strong enough to support your unique goals, and critical in safeguarding you from significant and unanticipated risks.


The guide covers:

Under 25:            The beginnings of your financial journey

Age 25 – 35:        Aim to save regularly.

Age 35 – 45:        Family and the future.

Age 45 – 55:        Accumulating your savings and building wealth.

Age 55 – 65:        Getting closer to retirement.

Age 65+:              Living comfortably in retirement.


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